I’m now in the middle of chapter 3, a really interesting demystification of Loschmidt’s paradox (though it does not mention it by name), which is the question of how there can be an apparent “direction” to time in a universe with time-symmetric physics.
Like in my previous comment, I’m a bit frustrated that Drescher avoids introducing standard terminology when making his point. For example, he’s using the concept of mutual information in his explanation, but he goes to great lengths to avoid using the term, even though it would make his explanation easier to follow and connect to existing literature.
Still satisfied though. I think I’ll write a review and summary for LW.
I’m now in the middle of chapter 3, a really interesting demystification of Loschmidt’s paradox (though it does not mention it by name), which is the question of how there can be an apparent “direction” to time in a universe with time-symmetric physics.
Like in my previous comment, I’m a bit frustrated that Drescher avoids introducing standard terminology when making his point. For example, he’s using the concept of mutual information in his explanation, but he goes to great lengths to avoid using the term, even though it would make his explanation easier to follow and connect to existing literature.
Still satisfied though. I think I’ll write a review and summary for LW.
Please do!
Thanks. I see you already saw my other comment with the expanded verion, but for those who can’t wait for the expanded and polished version, go here.