I don’t think that this would be so highly rated were it in the regular quotes thread. I think this is the type of thing it is helpful to see without seeing the author first, even though it was guessable.
By way of comparison, here’s a Kant quote that I posted in a normal quote thread. Actually, I’d say that my quote was pretty close to mjcurzi’s along a lot of axes, including length, tone, vividness of imagery, and agreement with LW conventional wisdom.
At the moment, mjcurzi’s quote and mine have a similar number of votes: 15 for mjcurzi’s and 16 for mine.
I don’t think that this would be so highly rated were it in the regular quotes thread. I think this is the type of thing it is helpful to see without seeing the author first, even though it was guessable.
By way of comparison, here’s a Kant quote that I posted in a normal quote thread. Actually, I’d say that my quote was pretty close to mjcurzi’s along a lot of axes, including length, tone, vividness of imagery, and agreement with LW conventional wisdom.
At the moment, mjcurzi’s quote and mine have a similar number of votes: 15 for mjcurzi’s and 16 for mine.