One quite well known solution to the Fermi Paradox is John Ball’s 1973 Zoo Hypothesis (, i.e., the hypothesis that alien life intentionally avoids communication with Earth, with one of its main interpretations being that it does so to allow for natural evolution and sociocultural development, avoiding interplanetary communication, similarly to people observing animals at a zoo. In the Zoo Hypothesis, humans solve human problems, and Contact occurs when we develop warp or perhaps an ASI. Ball also hypothesized a lesser known version of the Zoo Hypothesis, the Laboratory Hypothesis.
One possible rationale for the Zoo Hypothesis is that there exists a low number of interstellar civilizations in this galaxy and no intergalactic travel, combined with no panspermia, resulting in the possibility that an alien civilization might view us as part of the 42 answer (,_the_Universe,_and_Everything_(42)). In the Laboratory Hypothesis, there may be slightly more interstellar civilizations, although not enough powerful factions for one to ignore the galactic consensus and break into the zoo, but there may be more ‘tinkering’ in the zoo.
In the Zoo Hypothesis, the aliens have pretty strong stomachs for human suffering, including, recently, industrial genocide in the Second World War. However, zoos are are always curated, i.e., there are potential intervention points by the zoo keepers, and interventions are more likely in the Laboratory Hypothesis. Thus, in the Zoo but more so in the Laboratory Hypothesis, an interstellar civilization or an alien ASI may have been tempted (Zoo Hypothesis) or conducted (Laboratory Hypothesis) very fine ‘nudge-like’ ( interventions, to direct human development towards their own dominant philosophies.
Following the Second World War, a potential ‘nudge’ was the 1946 Baruch Plan, the result of UN General Assembly Session 1, Article 1, which set up the UN Atomic Energy Commission (UN AEC). If the UNAEC had succeeded, this would have resulted in the US decommissioning its four atomic bombs and in the placing of all fission energy development under the UN in a kind of global ‘Atoms for Peace’ plan. There could then have been a global peace, at the ‘cost’ of soviet totalitarianism perhaps surviving into the present day. The Baruch Plan in the end broke down because the formula for peace was incorrect, and it possibly came down to one person; Baruch persuaded Truman that US popular support required a sanctions-proof punitive mechanism, and one did not exist at the time. This eventually torpedoed the negotiations, although there is a strong argument that Stalin would not have bought the deal on his side. See my analysis here, which relies on mainstream interpretations of the collapse of the Baruch Plan:
The concept of Global Peace is especially interesting because it is a classic ‘Three Wishes’ genie request, i.e., one that could quite easily be asked of, and granted by, a genie but which is fraught with difficulties in terms of the actual implementation. Still, in a weak Zoo Hypothesis or Laboratory Hypothesis situation, triggering ‘Global Peace’ could be quite a coup for the intervening culture (see e.g., Iain M. Banks’ the Culture series). As such, the Baruch Plan and how to revisit it has attracted the attention of ASI philosophers, including Nick Bostrom in Superintelligence.
It appears to me that Covid 19 is another possible nudge intervention point where there actually exists a pragmatic pathway to Global Peace, this time with us much further along our timeline in terms of serious carrying capacity-related global problems, including biodiversity loss, and global warming, compared to 1946. Why? For the first time in in the 75-year history of the UN, on March 23, the UN Secretary-General called for a Covid 19-related Global Ceasefire, reiterating it on April 3 (
The ‘Call’ has hit political difficulties, basically down to Trump and Putin, in a rehash of 1946 and the Baruch Plan. See I personally think it will fail. However, Covid 19 is not the only ‘Global Peace’ nudge point. In my article on the Trinity Test-level critical juncture, I suggest another, the ‘burning plasma’ self-sustaining fusion reaction, which should occur around 2025-2035. The burning plasma scenario would be a revisit of the 1946 Baruch Plan scenario.
If my line of inquiry holds, the burning plasma may be a third external intervention nudge point, i.e., a third (and final?) ‘wish attempt’. If it is, we may expect the UN Secretary-General (or influential another) to call for Global Peace on the announcement of the burning plasma.
Open to comments.
P.S. On edit, given I’m currently the leading academic exponent of the ‘burning plasma’ global peace nude (sic) point, if the ‘Weak Zoo/Laboratory Hypothesis’ “global Peace’ wish scenario is correct, that could make me part of a Bostromesque counter-counter-factual Hail Mary cookie (
Covid 19 as a Fermi Paradox Zoo Hypothesis Subset (Laboratory Hypothesis) Nudge Point
One quite well known solution to the Fermi Paradox is John Ball’s 1973 Zoo Hypothesis (, i.e., the hypothesis that alien life intentionally avoids communication with Earth, with one of its main interpretations being that it does so to allow for natural evolution and sociocultural development, avoiding interplanetary communication, similarly to people observing animals at a zoo. In the Zoo Hypothesis, humans solve human problems, and Contact occurs when we develop warp or perhaps an ASI. Ball also hypothesized a lesser known version of the Zoo Hypothesis, the Laboratory Hypothesis.
One possible rationale for the Zoo Hypothesis is that there exists a low number of interstellar civilizations in this galaxy and no intergalactic travel, combined with no panspermia, resulting in the possibility that an alien civilization might view us as part of the 42 answer (,_the_Universe,_and_Everything_(42)). In the Laboratory Hypothesis, there may be slightly more interstellar civilizations, although not enough powerful factions for one to ignore the galactic consensus and break into the zoo, but there may be more ‘tinkering’ in the zoo.
In the Zoo Hypothesis, the aliens have pretty strong stomachs for human suffering, including, recently, industrial genocide in the Second World War. However, zoos are are always curated, i.e., there are potential intervention points by the zoo keepers, and interventions are more likely in the Laboratory Hypothesis. Thus, in the Zoo but more so in the Laboratory Hypothesis, an interstellar civilization or an alien ASI may have been tempted (Zoo Hypothesis) or conducted (Laboratory Hypothesis) very fine ‘nudge-like’ ( interventions, to direct human development towards their own dominant philosophies.
Following the Second World War, a potential ‘nudge’ was the 1946 Baruch Plan, the result of UN General Assembly Session 1, Article 1, which set up the UN Atomic Energy Commission (UN AEC). If the UNAEC had succeeded, this would have resulted in the US decommissioning its four atomic bombs and in the placing of all fission energy development under the UN in a kind of global ‘Atoms for Peace’ plan. There could then have been a global peace, at the ‘cost’ of soviet totalitarianism perhaps surviving into the present day. The Baruch Plan in the end broke down because the formula for peace was incorrect, and it possibly came down to one person; Baruch persuaded Truman that US popular support required a sanctions-proof punitive mechanism, and one did not exist at the time. This eventually torpedoed the negotiations, although there is a strong argument that Stalin would not have bought the deal on his side. See my analysis here, which relies on mainstream interpretations of the collapse of the Baruch Plan:
The concept of Global Peace is especially interesting because it is a classic ‘Three Wishes’ genie request, i.e., one that could quite easily be asked of, and granted by, a genie but which is fraught with difficulties in terms of the actual implementation. Still, in a weak Zoo Hypothesis or Laboratory Hypothesis situation, triggering ‘Global Peace’ could be quite a coup for the intervening culture (see e.g., Iain M. Banks’ the Culture series). As such, the Baruch Plan and how to revisit it has attracted the attention of ASI philosophers, including Nick Bostrom in Superintelligence.
It appears to me that Covid 19 is another possible nudge intervention point where there actually exists a pragmatic pathway to Global Peace, this time with us much further along our timeline in terms of serious carrying capacity-related global problems, including biodiversity loss, and global warming, compared to 1946. Why? For the first time in in the 75-year history of the UN, on March 23, the UN Secretary-General called for a Covid 19-related Global Ceasefire, reiterating it on April 3 (
The ‘Call’ has hit political difficulties, basically down to Trump and Putin, in a rehash of 1946 and the Baruch Plan. See I personally think it will fail. However, Covid 19 is not the only ‘Global Peace’ nudge point. In my article on the Trinity Test-level critical juncture, I suggest another, the ‘burning plasma’ self-sustaining fusion reaction, which should occur around 2025-2035. The burning plasma scenario would be a revisit of the 1946 Baruch Plan scenario.
If my line of inquiry holds, the burning plasma may be a third external intervention nudge point, i.e., a third (and final?) ‘wish attempt’. If it is, we may expect the UN Secretary-General (or influential another) to call for Global Peace on the announcement of the burning plasma.
Open to comments.
P.S. On edit, given I’m currently the leading academic exponent of the ‘burning plasma’ global peace nude (sic) point, if the ‘Weak Zoo/Laboratory Hypothesis’ “global Peace’ wish scenario is correct, that could make me part of a Bostromesque counter-counter-factual Hail Mary cookie (, which would be interesting.