I’m wary of such mind hacks, because they teach you to treat a person (yourself) as a machine. Most people have an instinct for human connection that refuses to be satisfied by machines, so gradually teaching yourself that you live in a world of machines can lead to isolation and emptiness. That might have contributed to SquirrelInHell’s suicide, though I didn’t know them in person.
I get that vibe from some of the overall things I’ve read and heard about re: Pasek. There’s an outlook that’s kinda excited about tinkering with the mind in ways that seem particularly prone to “dangerous mindhacks”, and it does seem like this was relevant to Pasek overall.
But I don’t get that vibe much at all from bewelltuned – the things pitched there feel more like “pretty reasonable skills to develop” (and mostly aren’t about connection, they’re about inward facing skills that seem like they should be relevant no matter what your goals are)
I’m wary of such mind hacks, because they teach you to treat a person (yourself) as a machine. Most people have an instinct for human connection that refuses to be satisfied by machines, so gradually teaching yourself that you live in a world of machines can lead to isolation and emptiness. That might have contributed to SquirrelInHell’s suicide, though I didn’t know them in person.
I get that vibe from some of the overall things I’ve read and heard about re: Pasek. There’s an outlook that’s kinda excited about tinkering with the mind in ways that seem particularly prone to “dangerous mindhacks”, and it does seem like this was relevant to Pasek overall.
But I don’t get that vibe much at all from bewelltuned – the things pitched there feel more like “pretty reasonable skills to develop” (and mostly aren’t about connection, they’re about inward facing skills that seem like they should be relevant no matter what your goals are)