I do think think that is also something good to do. In this case I’m actually worried about the site eventually disappearing (I suppose you could link to archive.org versions)
(sequences linking to other sites will also have some properties like a lack of “read next post”. Currently also won’t have hover-previews as you’re skimming the sequence list, although I hope we’ll build out hover previews for most external sites at some point) [edit: actually I guess if it’s a linkpost the linkpost can still have it’s own hover-preview-text, so maybe that part is fine]
I do think think that is also something good to do. In this case I’m actually worried about the site eventually disappearing (I suppose you could link to archive.org versions)
(sequences linking to other sites will also have some properties like a lack of “read next post”. Currently also won’t have hover-previews as you’re skimming the sequence list, although I hope we’ll build out hover previews for most external sites at some point) [edit: actually I guess if it’s a linkpost the linkpost can still have it’s own hover-preview-text, so maybe that part is fine]