If you did know how to make anti-matter paperclips, and generating them and keeping them away from your regular paperclips was about as easy as generating regular paperclips and storing them in the safe zone, would you be motivated to do so, or do antimatter paperclips fall outside the sphere of your values?
I don’t know how to make anti-matter paperclips, and suspect they would not last long in this light cone.
If you did know how to make anti-matter paperclips, and generating them and keeping them away from your regular paperclips was about as easy as generating regular paperclips and storing them in the safe zone, would you be motivated to do so, or do antimatter paperclips fall outside the sphere of your values?
Anti-matter paperclips could not counterfactually fasten regular paper together, so I don’t want to expend resources making them.
They could counterfactually hold antimatter paper together, though.
Who cares about antimatter paper being fastened together?