Meetup : Tel Aviv: Slightly Less Hard Problems of Consciousness

Discussion article for the meetup : Tel Aviv: Slightly Less Hard Problems of Consciousness

WHEN: 24 March 2015 07:00:00PM (+0200)

WHERE: Google, Electra Tower 29th Floor, Yigal Alon Street 98, Tel Aviv.

There will be a talk about some problems posed by the experience of consciousness, by Daniel Armak (me). It may transform into a round-table discussion, depending on audience participation.

I hope to update this post with an abstract later. I hope to post an abstract later. The title hints that this is not about Chalmers’ so-called Hard Problem of Consciousness (there was previously some confusion about this), which isn’t that hard a problem, anyway.

We’ll meet at the 29th floor of the building. Once everyone arrives, we’ll move to a different room. If you arrive and can’t find your way around, call Anatoly who is graciously hosting us at 054-245-1060, or Daniel at 054-7576-480.

We’ll start the meetup at 19:00, and we’ll go on as much as we like to or until Anatoly kicks us out. If you can only come later, that’s great too!

The Less Wrong Tel Aviv group holds meetups every second Tuesday, alternating between talks on various subjects of interests (as this time) and game nights. You’re invited to join our Facebook group and Google Group.

The Facebook event is here. If you’re coming, please RSVP there if you can, so we have a sense of what to expect.

Discussion article for the meetup : Tel Aviv: Slightly Less Hard Problems of Consciousness

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