Whether it’s the same way is an ethical question, so you can decide however you want.
So there should be some sort of hardware-dependence to obtain subjective experience.
I certainly don’t believe in subjective experience without any hardware, but no, there is no much dependence except
for your preferences for hardware.
As for generally accepted conclusions… I think it’s generally accepted that some preferences for hardware are useful in epistemic contexts, so you can be persuaded to say “rock is not conscious” for the same reason you say “rock is not calculator”.
Whether it’s the same way is an ethical question, so you can decide however you want.
I certainly don’t believe in subjective experience without any hardware, but no, there is no much dependence except for your preferences for hardware.
As for generally accepted conclusions… I think it’s generally accepted that some preferences for hardware are useful in epistemic contexts, so you can be persuaded to say “rock is not conscious” for the same reason you say “rock is not calculator”.