Daniel Dennett, Richard Dawkins, Andre Linde and Lee Smollin are of those, who see everything as a product of the evolution (what it is). The same on cosmic scale also, as Linde or Smollin (what might be the case).
They may not have their school of thought formally established as such, but they are on a good way to make it.
So I decided to mention them, especially as I simpatize with them.
Daniel Dennett, Richard Dawkins, Andre Linde and Lee Smollin are of those, who see everything as a product of the evolution (what it is). The same on cosmic scale also, as Linde or Smollin (what might be the case).
They may not have their school of thought formally established as such, but they are on a good way to make it.
So I decided to mention them, especially as I simpatize with them.