I think that may be part of it, but I’m also thinking back a bit to when I was more religious, and so on, and also thinking about how some people I know seem to talk, and as near as I can tell, there really does seem to be a bit of that.
I’m claiming they’re visualizing a world that goes “poof, ‘LET THERE BE LIGHT!’”. AND visualizing a world that goes farther back, and somehow doing some form of funny doublethink them thinking of those as different worlds that are both in some sense true, while some aspect of them is treating those not as contradictory models, but almost as, well, different worlds. ie, two different “truths” (“but what is truth?” :))
That is, simply holding the contradiction in place, having two “models”, not along the lines of two competing models, but that (though they don’t actually notice it), they’re imagining it more as parallel worlds that, depending on circumstances, they’ll consider either one or the other “this world”
They would (usually, see somewhat below) not ever actually say, or even notice that they’re thinking that way. In other words, I’d expect if you asked such a person something like “do you believe in a set of parallel realities, one in which the world was spoken into existance ~6000 years ago, and another about 13.7 billion years old or at least certainly older than 6000 years”, they’ll probably give you funny looks. But I think, without them noticing, something like that is going on in how it’s being stored.
And I can speak from personal experience about some of the REALLY weird stuff I used to think in terms of, so it’s in part a “pay no attention to the contradiction behind the curtain” situation.
Heck, sometimes when I bring various contradictions up, I’ll get responses like “this isn’t a debate class” or “this isn’t a court room and you’re not a lawyer”, and basically have it laughed off like that from some family members. (and, of course, the infamous “in your opinion” fully general retort to any position you don’t like. :))
I’m not saying this is all of it, but it sure seems to me that something like this is going on in some cases. It may also be what underlies stuff like “I believe people are nicer than they are”. That is, statements like that may partly cash out to “I have a couple different models of people, one of which says they’re nicer than the other. I hold both of these at the same time, but I call one my belief, and one the actual situation”
At least, when I try to imagine being in a mental state that could provoke me to utter such a statement, ie, when I try to simulate that state on myself, that seems to be what the result “looks like.”
Oh, that bit from earlier, well… sometimes it’s made a bit explicit.
I’ve come across some bits of occult philosophy that basically talks about how there can be many histories that are “true” (no, not in the sense a physicist might talk about interference), and they’ll explicitly say stuff like the “there’s the actual historical history, but that’s not the only ‘true’ one..”
But also just from introspection, well, it does feel to me that in the past I would be in such a state, have multiple models that I wasn’t so much treating as competing so much as treating as, well, simply true, in different senses.
The Escher mental tangle can get REALLY strange. :)
I think that may be part of it, but I’m also thinking back a bit to when I was more religious, and so on, and also thinking about how some people I know seem to talk, and as near as I can tell, there really does seem to be a bit of that.
I’m claiming they’re visualizing a world that goes “poof, ‘LET THERE BE LIGHT!’”. AND visualizing a world that goes farther back, and somehow doing some form of funny doublethink them thinking of those as different worlds that are both in some sense true, while some aspect of them is treating those not as contradictory models, but almost as, well, different worlds. ie, two different “truths” (“but what is truth?” :))
That is, simply holding the contradiction in place, having two “models”, not along the lines of two competing models, but that (though they don’t actually notice it), they’re imagining it more as parallel worlds that, depending on circumstances, they’ll consider either one or the other “this world”
They would (usually, see somewhat below) not ever actually say, or even notice that they’re thinking that way. In other words, I’d expect if you asked such a person something like “do you believe in a set of parallel realities, one in which the world was spoken into existance ~6000 years ago, and another about 13.7 billion years old or at least certainly older than 6000 years”, they’ll probably give you funny looks. But I think, without them noticing, something like that is going on in how it’s being stored.
And I can speak from personal experience about some of the REALLY weird stuff I used to think in terms of, so it’s in part a “pay no attention to the contradiction behind the curtain” situation.
Heck, sometimes when I bring various contradictions up, I’ll get responses like “this isn’t a debate class” or “this isn’t a court room and you’re not a lawyer”, and basically have it laughed off like that from some family members. (and, of course, the infamous “in your opinion” fully general retort to any position you don’t like. :))
I’m not saying this is all of it, but it sure seems to me that something like this is going on in some cases. It may also be what underlies stuff like “I believe people are nicer than they are”. That is, statements like that may partly cash out to “I have a couple different models of people, one of which says they’re nicer than the other. I hold both of these at the same time, but I call one my belief, and one the actual situation”
At least, when I try to imagine being in a mental state that could provoke me to utter such a statement, ie, when I try to simulate that state on myself, that seems to be what the result “looks like.”
Oh, that bit from earlier, well… sometimes it’s made a bit explicit.
I’ve come across some bits of occult philosophy that basically talks about how there can be many histories that are “true” (no, not in the sense a physicist might talk about interference), and they’ll explicitly say stuff like the “there’s the actual historical history, but that’s not the only ‘true’ one..”
But also just from introspection, well, it does feel to me that in the past I would be in such a state, have multiple models that I wasn’t so much treating as competing so much as treating as, well, simply true, in different senses.
The Escher mental tangle can get REALLY strange. :)