That is more-or-less my own analysis. Notoriously:
Politics is the gentle art of getting votes from the poor and campaign funds from the rich by promising to protect each from the other.
CEV may get some the votes from the poor—but offers precious little to the rich. Since those are the folk who are running the whole show, it is hard to see how they will approve it. They won’t approve it—there isn’t anything in it for them. So, I figure, the plan is probably pretty screwed—the hopeful plan of a bunch of criminal (their machine has no respect for the law!) and terrorist (if they can make it stick!) outlaws—who dream of overthrowing their own government.
That is more-or-less my own analysis. Notoriously:
CEV may get some the votes from the poor—but offers precious little to the rich. Since those are the folk who are running the whole show, it is hard to see how they will approve it. They won’t approve it—there isn’t anything in it for them. So, I figure, the plan is probably pretty screwed—the hopeful plan of a bunch of criminal (their machine has no respect for the law!) and terrorist (if they can make it stick!) outlaws—who dream of overthrowing their own government.