To all those claiming that multiculturalism has no downsides, I would like to point out that “equal time for creationism” sprung from and used multiculturalism; the notion that you can justify anything using religious freedom can and does lead to Bad Things being justified thus. AFAIK no real society is perfectly multicultural, but that’s poor implementation; a bug, not a feature.
EDIT: I am in favour of all the Good Things that spring to mind when we hear “multiculturalism”, and do not advocate the Bad Things associated with opposing it (ie a single monolithic and enforced culture.)
That’s false. It happened in 1980 in Queensland, and 1985 in Turkey (the latter continuing to the present). Just a few years ago in Switzerland, many schools had science books that gave equal time for creationism, but it was controversial and ultimately rejected.
While a separate issue, many Islamic countries ban the teaching of evolution or teach an “intelligent design” friendly version.
To all those claiming that multiculturalism has no downsides, I would like to point out that “equal time for creationism” sprung from and used multiculturalism; the notion that you can justify anything using religious freedom can and does lead to Bad Things being justified thus. AFAIK no real society is perfectly multicultural, but that’s poor implementation; a bug, not a feature.
EDIT: I am in favour of all the Good Things that spring to mind when we hear “multiculturalism”, and do not advocate the Bad Things associated with opposing it (ie a single monolithic and enforced culture.)
Not outside the US it didn’t
Are you saying it didn’t happen outside the US or when it did it had some other origin?
The former.
That’s false. It happened in 1980 in Queensland, and 1985 in Turkey (the latter continuing to the present). Just a few years ago in Switzerland, many schools had science books that gave equal time for creationism, but it was controversial and ultimately rejected.
While a separate issue, many Islamic countries ban the teaching of evolution or teach an “intelligent design” friendly version.