Names of racists who believe other races are inferior? Racists who think other races are an active threat? Commenters who have claimed racists are evil mutants? I’m not sure what you could be asking that couldn’t be answered with, at most, a quick Google search or the phrase “all of them?”
Sorry for being too vague (I tend to be so when posting from my smartphone). What I was asking for, specifically, is for names of racists who “simply don’t think minorities are people”. My priors are that this is a straw-man, but if not, please excuse my ignorance of racist doctrine.
While I’m having a surprisingly hard time finding any quotes by racists (I’m mostly getting quotes about racism, which is of course very different,) I’ve definitely seen quotes from slave-owners and British Empire types talking about how the savages cannot control their impulses, have low inteligence and so on. Hitler would be the obvious answer, but it’s always hard to be sure what he actually believed - we still don’t know what religion he was, for instance.
Luckily, there are sites dedicated to calling out racists. Unluckily, they are often taken in by trolls, and of course the more intelligent/charismatic/educated racists are often filtered out.
I´m not racist but I believe black people are closer to gorillas than to white people… that´s why we shouldn´t get mixed with black people, we are different species and they should stay at Africa? or to the zoo, somewere far away from us, as I said I´m not racist and I don´t pretend to insult anybody, but black people is a threat to our race
Think of all the violent, animalistic, starving, illiterate and un-evolved “things” in Afghanistan today, and you will get some idea of what America would be like if whites hadn’t come here. If you want to know what America will look like when the blacks and hispanics finally take it over, you need look no further than the continent of Africa, or the crime ridden and decimated country of Mexico.
So go ahead, Mr. Wackadoodle, and spout your equality bullshit. Deny the statistics that prove unequivocally that the white race is the only fully evolved and truly intelligent race in the world. Without the white wealth and subsequent charity, the majority of the black, brown, yellow and red people in the world would already have died of disease or starved to death.
We need to kill Somali women and children (pirate breeders and future pirates) and STOP the UN from giving these miserable people free food, it only prevents their numbers from diminishing naturally from hunger.
Pathetic race can’t even feed itself. We need to just let natural selection work its course.
The frequency of tautological phrases and similar redundancies by niggers when trying to communicate through spoken language is directly related to a nigger’s slowness of thought.
Humans tend to be able to think much quicker than they speak, just as they can read silently more quickly than they can read out loud. For this reason, a human who is trying to express a message verbally will tend to have thousands of words at the ready, and have ample time to select the appropriate word and place it in line to be spoken at the appropriate instance.
Niggers, however, are a different story. Despite the fact that the average nigger has only mastered about 600 words, it still struggles with word retrieval, and tends to need extra time for this “thinking” process. As a result, absent the use of “gap-fillers”, a nigger’s oral expressions would have significant periods of silence between words (imagine trying to speak to someone in Greek by using an English-to-Greek dicitionary—there would be pauses while you looked up the next word).
Since niggers cannot be silent, they either fill the gaps with eeks and ooks (mmmhhmm) or with meaningless rhetoricals (gnomesayin) or with tautological phrases (any phrase with words that are superfluous because they are implicit). Many humans use tautologies to some extent (e..g., in the phrase “whether or not” the words “or not” are superfluous because they are implicit in the word “whether”). Still, niggers take it to a much higher level. In your example, the nigger who says that he will “kill you dead, Muddafuggah” is using the words “you dead” so that he can stall for time, so to speak, while his primitive brain searches for and then retrieves the word “Muddafuggah.”
The Genetics of the White races and the Negro races are much different. One of the most important things is the average brain size of a White is much larger than that of an average Negro. This makes a big difference in how well someone can perform in a civilized society.
Whites have always been the creators of civilizations and inventions.
Blacks have literally never made it above the mud hut. They are also the only race that never invented the wheel.
The average pure Negro IQ is just below 70.
The average pure white IQ is well above 100.
Thus it was not the heart which was the seat of the soul, according to the stone-age Jews, but the blood itself. They believed that by drinking the blood of a Christian victim who was perfect in every way, they could overcome their physical short comings and become as powerful as the intelligent civilized beings among whom they had formed their parasitic communities. Because of this belief, the Jews are known to have practiced drinking blood since they made their first appearance in history.
What Mr. Beck was getting at is that we, the human beings here in the U.S., need a renewal of at least full segregation, if not the outright repatriation of all of the baboons back to Aperica immediately.
My local rag, nauseatingly ultra-liberal, was extremely critical, voicing their outrage that the event was all white.”All white?” So what? If it had been all nigger they would have flipped out with joy, like they did over the recent Martin Lucifer Coon “I held a dream” bullshit. The only dreams that filthy spook ever had were about white women,cold cash, and Communism.
These differences are believed to be derived from the decreased intelligence and increased animal sex drive of the Negroid, with larger penises allowing for more efficient and brutal rape
how many young white females will be raped and murdered by nonwhites in the decades to come, because of the message of trusting and loving racial aliens that programs like this implant in them?
Also to note is that in the prehistoric times different species of hominids did mate on occasion and produce fertile hybrids. That’s part of evolution.
So no matter which way it is used and it is a great piece of propoganda lies....the fact that Whites and blacks can produce a fertile offspring is NOT proof that they are the same species.
Meanwhile, back in reality land, we see that the group with the biggest pile of corpses at their feet is the multiculturalists who have the blood on their hands of all the whites who have been raped and killed by those wonderful non-whites we just can’t get into our nations quickly enough so that they can breed us out of existence.
I sincerely hope that a couple generations from now, the triumphant whites will look upon all the anti-white movies and literature from our age like Harry Potter as it should be looked upon: irrational filth designed to justify a genocide
The black man down the street was caught with drugs. Send everyone who isn’t white or christian back to africa. I’m calling it now: liberals and wanna-be conservatives who are too cowardly to say what I am saying will come around in 2012 to realize that if we don’t clean up, we’ll suffer tenfold. Disagree with me if you want, as the constitution gives you the right to hate America
I have heard that niggers have thicker, denser skulls that have sometimes been able to stop weak bullets(.22lr) and deflect strong ones(.45acp).
Also, niggers have simple, primitive brains that are smaller and less developed.
Niggers are used to living in a half-unconscious state where no thinking is done and impulses are immediately acted upon.
Could it be possible that a headshot to a nigger’s brain would only slow the nigger down?
Care to name names?
Names of racists who believe other races are inferior? Racists who think other races are an active threat? Commenters who have claimed racists are evil mutants? I’m not sure what you could be asking that couldn’t be answered with, at most, a quick Google search or the phrase “all of them?”
Sorry for being too vague (I tend to be so when posting from my smartphone). What I was asking for, specifically, is for names of racists who “simply don’t think minorities are people”. My priors are that this is a straw-man, but if not, please excuse my ignorance of racist doctrine.
While I’m having a surprisingly hard time finding any quotes by racists (I’m mostly getting quotes about racism, which is of course very different,) I’ve definitely seen quotes from slave-owners and British Empire types talking about how the savages cannot control their impulses, have low inteligence and so on. Hitler would be the obvious answer, but it’s always hard to be sure what he actually believed - we still don’t know what religion he was, for instance.
Luckily, there are sites dedicated to calling out racists. Unluckily, they are often taken in by trolls, and of course the more intelligent/charismatic/educated racists are often filtered out.
Some other examples: