Two, you can use this corpus to conduct a very interesting exercise: you can triangulate. This is an essential skill in defensive historiography. If you like UR, you like defensive historiography.
Historiographic triangulation is the art of taking two or more opposing positions from the past, and using hindsight to decide who was right and who was wrong. The simplest way to play the game is to imagine that the opponents in the debate were reanimated in 2008, informed of present conditions, and reunited for a friendly panel discussion. I’m afraid often the only conceivable result is that one side simply surrenders to the other.
--Mencius Moldbug on an experiment that has interesting results
--Mencius Moldbug on an experiment that has interesting results
How naive. Surely right and wrong are defined loosely enough for each side to claim that they were right all along.
On a related note, maybe you should create a subthread called “Irrationality Quotes”, given the quotes you post.
EDIT: And now, thanks to a poorly thought out anti-troll policy, I will never know what provoked such a strong negative reaction in readers.