Do you really believe that Pope Paul VI believes when he refers to respecting women or morality that it is his personal definition of morality or respect he is speaking of
I didn’t use the word “personal”. Of course he speaks about the position of the catholic church. In this case the position that the catholic church had in 1968 when he made his prediction.
Part of the idea of catholic faith is that something like the meaning of “respecting women” get’s defined top-down.
In any case, the original quote speaks of the cool people being wrong, so wouldn’t it make at least as much sense to use the terms respect and morality in ways that the cool people would agree with in examining these questions?
In light of the above questions, arrogating the words Respect and Morality to only their papal definitions will not be fruitful for you
That’s not what I’m doing. I have no problem with using different definitions of terms depending on the text I’m reading. If you can only use one defnition and try to interpret what everyone is saying through that definition you are likely to misunderstand the position of people who disagree with you.
It’s bad to have habits that make it hard to understand what people with different mindsets are saying.
It allows you to have all those tribal beliefs of the cool people crowd without spending any conscious thought in rationally examining your beliefs.
I didn’t use the word “personal”. Of course he speaks about the position of the catholic church. In this case the position that the catholic church had in 1968 when he made his prediction.
Part of the idea of catholic faith is that something like the meaning of “respecting women” get’s defined top-down.
That’s not what I’m doing. I have no problem with using different definitions of terms depending on the text I’m reading. If you can only use one defnition and try to interpret what everyone is saying through that definition you are likely to misunderstand the position of people who disagree with you.
It’s bad to have habits that make it hard to understand what people with different mindsets are saying. It allows you to have all those tribal beliefs of the cool people crowd without spending any conscious thought in rationally examining your beliefs.