What I’ve observed in myself about reports of “God” doing something I’ll describe as “insufficient curiosity.” I have frequently not asked how the person identified the source as “God.”
White beard, what? No, I’ve assumed, way too easily, that their actual experience doesn’t matter.
And this could also be quite interesting if the person is a mathematician. Depends on what is more important to us, solving the unsolved math problem, and perhaps understanding heuristics, or coming up with evidence that something unexpected is going on. Can’t explain it? Goddidit. Q.E.D.
What I’ve observed in myself about reports of “God” doing something I’ll describe as “insufficient curiosity.” I have frequently not asked how the person identified the source as “God.”
White beard, what? No, I’ve assumed, way too easily, that their actual experience doesn’t matter.
And this could also be quite interesting if the person is a mathematician. Depends on what is more important to us, solving the unsolved math problem, and perhaps understanding heuristics, or coming up with evidence that something unexpected is going on. Can’t explain it? Goddidit. Q.E.D.