You can’t escape the temptation to lie to people just by having them not pay you in money. There are other forms of payment, of renumeration, besides money.
In fact, if you care about anything involving people or capable of being affected by them in some way, there can always arise situations in which you could maximize some of your goals or preferences by deceiving them.
There are only a few goals or preferences that change this—chief among them, the desire to get what you want without deception. If you possess those goals or preferences in a dominant form, there’s no temptation. If you don’t, there’s also no temptation, because you have no objection.
‘Temptation’ only arises when the preference for doing things one way is not stably dominant over not doing things that way.
You can’t escape the temptation to lie to people just by having them not pay you in money. There are other forms of payment, of renumeration, besides money.
In fact, if you care about anything involving people or capable of being affected by them in some way, there can always arise situations in which you could maximize some of your goals or preferences by deceiving them.
There are only a few goals or preferences that change this—chief among them, the desire to get what you want without deception. If you possess those goals or preferences in a dominant form, there’s no temptation. If you don’t, there’s also no temptation, because you have no objection.
‘Temptation’ only arises when the preference for doing things one way is not stably dominant over not doing things that way.