Nice. I had a kind-of related thought before, of world-models as tools, where you think of concepts and world-models as literally being tools that work for some situations and not others, rather than necessarily trying to develop any single coherent world-model (though of course if you do have a broader more coherent world-model, then that’s a tool with its uses too).
It’s been a while since I read it, but IIRC Model Zero is a book that takes a similar perspective.
Nice. I had a kind-of related thought before, of world-models as tools, where you think of concepts and world-models as literally being tools that work for some situations and not others, rather than necessarily trying to develop any single coherent world-model (though of course if you do have a broader more coherent world-model, then that’s a tool with its uses too).
It’s been a while since I read it, but IIRC Model Zero is a book that takes a similar perspective.