I’m not even sure where to start, this documentary is a deliberately provoking exposition of some of the issues.
This suspicion of mine is more heavily fueled by personal experience though—I’ve seen so many decent people turn into bastards or otherwise abdicate moral responsibility when they found themselves at the helm of a company, no matter how noble their initial intentions.
I’ve seen so many decent people turn into bastards or otherwise abdicate moral responsibility when they found themselves at the helm of a company, no matter how noble their initial intentions.
Do you think this is different from the general ‘power corrupts’ tendency? The same thing seems to happen to politicians for example.
How do you know they were decent people? Were they actually tested, or was running a corporation their first test? It’s easy to be “decent” when there’s nothing really at stake.
Good point. What I mean is that I knew them first as employees, and I heard them speak about their employers and how employers should behave, and inferred from that some values of theirs. When they became employers in turn and I saw these values tested, they failed these tests miserably.
Upvoted for disagreement, but this sounds interesting. Say more?
I’m not even sure where to start, this documentary is a deliberately provoking exposition of some of the issues.
This suspicion of mine is more heavily fueled by personal experience though—I’ve seen so many decent people turn into bastards or otherwise abdicate moral responsibility when they found themselves at the helm of a company, no matter how noble their initial intentions.
Do you think this is different from the general ‘power corrupts’ tendency? The same thing seems to happen to politicians for example.
How do you know they were decent people? Were they actually tested, or was running a corporation their first test? It’s easy to be “decent” when there’s nothing really at stake.
Good point. What I mean is that I knew them first as employees, and I heard them speak about their employers and how employers should behave, and inferred from that some values of theirs. When they became employers in turn and I saw these values tested, they failed these tests miserably.