The example was chess, where brute-forcing leads to perfect play given sufficient resources
It just occurred to me to wonder if this resource requirement is even finite. Is there are turn limit on the game? I suppose even “X turns without a piece being taken” would be sufficient depending on how idiotic the ‘brute force’ is. Is such a rule in place?
It just occurred to me to wonder if this resource requirement is even finite. Is there are turn limit on the game? I suppose even “X turns without a piece being taken” would be sufficient depending on how idiotic the ‘brute force’ is. Is such a rule in place?
Yes, the fifty-move rule. Though technically it only allows you to claim a draw, it doesn’t force it.
OK, thanks. In that case brute force doesn’t actually produce perfect play in chess and doesn’t return if it tries.
(Incidentally, this observation that strengthens SimonF’s position.)
But the number of possible board position is finite, and there is a rule that forces a draw if the same position comes up three times. (Here)
This claims that generalized chess is EXPTIME-complete, which is in agreement with the above.
That rule will do it (given the forced).