On the narrow topic of “mouse matrix”: Fun fact, if you didn’t already know, Justin Wood at Indiana University has been doing stuff in that vicinity (with chicks not mice, for technical reasons):
He uses a controlled-rearing technique with natural chicks, whereby the chicks are raised from birth in completely controlled visual environments. That way, Justin can present designed visual stimuli to test what kinds of visual abilities chicks have or can immediately learn. Then he can [build AI models] that are trained on the same data as the newborn chicks.…
(I haven’t read any of his papers, just listened to him on this podcast episode, from which I copied the above quote.)
On the narrow topic of “mouse matrix”: Fun fact, if you didn’t already know, Justin Wood at Indiana University has been doing stuff in that vicinity (with chicks not mice, for technical reasons):
(I haven’t read any of his papers, just listened to him on this podcast episode, from which I copied the above quote.)