Bees are indeed better example than ants, since we know how bees communicate, and there has even been some research in making bee robots for communication with bees, so if these robots are perfected we could tell the bees to pollinate here and not there in accordance with our needs.
So this seems like trade in that bees are getting information and we are getting pollination. Of course, trade is voluntary exchange of goods, and bees can not do anything voluntary, but humans can, so that is not actually the topic.
Bees are indeed better example than ants, since we know how bees communicate, and there has even been some research in making bee robots for communication with bees, so if these robots are perfected we could tell the bees to pollinate here and not there in accordance with our needs.
So this seems like trade in that bees are getting information and we are getting pollination. Of course, trade is voluntary exchange of goods, and bees can not do anything voluntary, but humans can, so that is not actually the topic.