If your goal is to get to your house, there is only one thing that will satisfy the goal: being at your house. There is a limited set of optimal solutions that will get you there. If your goal is to move as far away from your house as possible, there are infinite ways to satisfy the goal and many more solutions at your disposal.
Natural selection is a “move away” strategy, it only seeks to avoid death, not go towards anything in particular, making the possible class of problems it can solve much more open ended. Gradient Descent is a “move towards” strategy, if there is a solution that would help it reach a goal but it’s not within the target direction, it mostly won’t reach it without help or modification. This is why the ML industry is using evolutionary algorithms to solve global optimisation problems that GD cannot solve. The random search / brute force nature of evolution is inherently more versatile and is a well known limitation of GD.
Can you show how gradient descent solves a much narrower class of problems compared to natural selection?
If your goal is to get to your house, there is only one thing that will satisfy the goal: being at your house. There is a limited set of optimal solutions that will get you there. If your goal is to move as far away from your house as possible, there are infinite ways to satisfy the goal and many more solutions at your disposal.
Natural selection is a “move away” strategy, it only seeks to avoid death, not go towards anything in particular, making the possible class of problems it can solve much more open ended. Gradient Descent is a “move towards” strategy, if there is a solution that would help it reach a goal but it’s not within the target direction, it mostly won’t reach it without help or modification. This is why the ML industry is using evolutionary algorithms to solve global optimisation problems that GD cannot solve. The random search / brute force nature of evolution is inherently more versatile and is a well known limitation of GD.