Imagine a world in which agents may interact, but may not coordinate in an enforceable way
You don’t have to imagine that—it describes the true situation. There is no “outside” of our universe, and nothing rewards or punishes you outside of your physical being.
The right model of “leviathan” is to recognize that your game model is too simple—in fact, the “outside” agent is just another player, and your payouts are impacted by their actions. Likewise iterated games—in the real world, most games are NOT one-shot, and you need to calculate the value of the series/set of all games you play, with prior sub-games affecting the strategy and payouts of later ones.
You don’t have to imagine that—it describes the true situation. There is no “outside” of our universe, and nothing rewards or punishes you outside of your physical being.
The right model of “leviathan” is to recognize that your game model is too simple—in fact, the “outside” agent is just another player, and your payouts are impacted by their actions. Likewise iterated games—in the real world, most games are NOT one-shot, and you need to calculate the value of the series/set of all games you play, with prior sub-games affecting the strategy and payouts of later ones.