Unfortunately many philosophical problems may not have solutions of a form that allow us to construct something that definitely is what we want, but rather only permits us to say something is probably not what we want due to the fundamental ungroundability of our beliefs. My suspicion is that you are right, the problem is even harder than anyone currently realizes, and the best we can hope for is to winnow away as much stuff that obviously doesn’t work while still leaving us with lots of uncertainty about whether or not we can succeed at our safety objectives.
Unfortunately many philosophical problems may not have solutions of a form that allow us to construct something that definitely is what we want, but rather only permits us to say something is probably not what we want due to the fundamental ungroundability of our beliefs. My suspicion is that you are right, the problem is even harder than anyone currently realizes, and the best we can hope for is to winnow away as much stuff that obviously doesn’t work while still leaving us with lots of uncertainty about whether or not we can succeed at our safety objectives.