What makes us think any of our terminal values aren’t based on a misunderstanding of reality?
Much the same thing that makes me think my height isn’t based on a misunderstanding of reality. Different category. I didn’t understand my way into having terminal values. Understanding can illuminate your perceptions of reality and allow you to better grasp what is, but I don’t think that your terminal values were generated by your understanding. Trying to do so is a pathological tail biting exercise.
I disagree with your implied claim that terminal values are independent of understandings. I can’t think of any human values that don’t presuppose some facts.
Much the same thing that makes me think my height isn’t based on a misunderstanding of reality. Different category. I didn’t understand my way into having terminal values. Understanding can illuminate your perceptions of reality and allow you to better grasp what is, but I don’t think that your terminal values were generated by your understanding. Trying to do so is a pathological tail biting exercise.
I disagree with your implied claim that terminal values are independent of understandings. I can’t think of any human values that don’t presuppose some facts.
Edit: also see this comment by scientism.
If I enjoy the subjective experience of thinking about something, I can’t think of any conceivable fact that would invalidate that.
Touché. (At least for an instantaneous “I” and instantaneous enjoyment.) Still, there are many terminal values that do presuppose facts.