wildly different perspective in which you are unknowingly making assumptions
Most of my assumptions are hopefully presented as guesses. I don’t really know, feel free to correct me.
What does it mean to you
Which “it” are you referring to now? Can you be more specific?
if instead of creating goals that might (likely) be desires that are eventually contradicted as such by our actions, we create goals that are inline with our actions?
Revealed preferences work in two directions. On the one hand you can discover your revealed preferences and let that inform your future judgements and future actions. On the other hand you can make your revealed preferences show that they line up with your goal.
take stock of what you are doing and align it with your desired goals.
Most of my assumptions are hopefully presented as guesses. I don’t really know, feel free to correct me.
Which “it” are you referring to now? Can you be more specific?
I said in this post
Does this work: http://mindingourway.com/guilt/