Created an account at Instapaper and used their bookmarklet individually on each article.
Used calibre to download the articles from Instapaper and convert them to an ebook (instructions here).
Edited the title and other metadata in calibre to make the ebook more relevant and presentable and converted it to epub/mobi formats.
Note that I had to use the Instapaper bookmarklet starting from the last article and going backwards because calibre downloads the articles in reverse chronological order.
I don’t think this is ideal, though, because the comment sections of some of these articles are good enough to be included in the reading but Instapaper only retrieves the article post, leaving out everything else. If anyone has a better suggestion, do share :)
Thanks, Ricardo! In MIRI’s ebooks, we’ve tried linking to the comments section at the bottom of each article. Then people can click through to a website featuring the comments if they’re interested; but the ebook itself isn’t bloated by the size of the comments sections.
All right. Someone tell me if this is decent enough, please. I only did the first section: “Rationality and Rationalization”.
Dropbox folder
How I did it:
Created an account at Instapaper and used their bookmarklet individually on each article.
Used calibre to download the articles from Instapaper and convert them to an ebook (instructions here).
Edited the title and other metadata in calibre to make the ebook more relevant and presentable and converted it to epub/mobi formats.
Note that I had to use the Instapaper bookmarklet starting from the last article and going backwards because calibre downloads the articles in reverse chronological order.
I don’t think this is ideal, though, because the comment sections of some of these articles are good enough to be included in the reading but Instapaper only retrieves the article post, leaving out everything else. If anyone has a better suggestion, do share :)
Thanks, Ricardo! In MIRI’s ebooks, we’ve tried linking to the comments section at the bottom of each article. Then people can click through to a website featuring the comments if they’re interested; but the ebook itself isn’t bloated by the size of the comments sections.
Woah, awesome! I would love to see something like this for the whole collection.