I have a lot of sympathy for what Unknown said here:
“My guess is that Eliezer will be horrified at the results of CEV—despite the fact that most people will be happy with it.”
And Carl Schulmann has a very good point here:
“It looks like (especially young) humans have quite a lot of ability to pick up a wide variety of basic moral concerns, in a structured fashion, e.g. assigning ingroups, objects of purity-concerns, etc. Being raised in an environment of science-fiction and Modern Orthodox Judaism may have given you quite unusual terminal values”
Sorry to keep harping on about this, but if you read Joshua Greene’s PhD thesis, pp 194, you’ll find this:
“By participating in these interlinked custom complexes regarding the use of space and the purification of the body, children learn that a central project of moral life is the regulation of one’s own bodily states as one navigates the complex topography of purity and pollution….
Social skills and judgmental processes that are learned gradually and implicitly then operate unconsciously, projecting their results into consciousness, where they are experienced as intuitions arising from nowhere”
I have a lot of sympathy for what Unknown said here:
“My guess is that Eliezer will be horrified at the results of CEV—despite the fact that most people will be happy with it.”
And Carl Schulmann has a very good point here:
“It looks like (especially young) humans have quite a lot of ability to pick up a wide variety of basic moral concerns, in a structured fashion, e.g. assigning ingroups, objects of purity-concerns, etc. Being raised in an environment of science-fiction and Modern Orthodox Judaism may have given you quite unusual terminal values”
Sorry to keep harping on about this, but if you read Joshua Greene’s PhD thesis, pp 194, you’ll find this:
“By participating in these interlinked custom complexes regarding the use of space and the purification of the body, children learn that a central project of moral life is the regulation of one’s own bodily states as one navigates the complex topography of purity and pollution….
Social skills and judgmental processes that are learned gradually and implicitly then operate unconsciously, projecting their results into consciousness, where they are experienced as intuitions arising from nowhere”