But it’s oddly religiious for a fully-paid-up athiest. Reminds me of something.....
It explains why Minds are so quirky (Look to Windwards)
I can’t get at my copy of LTW. What is the explanation? That they have to be to avoid realizing that Sublimation is clealry an awesome idea and they should do it? (I assume if it was a plot point I would remember it, but rot13 might be a good idea for anyone answering just to be on the safe side.)
I can’t get at my copy of LTW. What is the explanation? That they have to be to avoid realizing that Sublimation is clealry an awesome idea and they should do it? (I assume if it was a plot point I would remember it, but rot13 might be a good idea for anyone answering just to be on the safe side.)
The idea is that well-balanced Minds sublimate spontaneously as soon as they are booted up.
Ah, I was misremembering that as only perfect abstract reasoners, free of any cultural mores.