when someone writes a post recommending global thermonuclear war as a possible option
Looks like you (emphasis mine):
In case of an actual UFAI appearing and beginning a process of paper-clipping the world within a timespan that we can see it coming before it kills us: consider annihilating the planet
my davkanik tendencies
You can be a contrarian with less drama perfectly well :-)
I would note that “we are all in the process of dying horribly” is actually a pretty dramatic situation. At the moment, actually, I’m not banking on ever seeing it: I think actual AI creation requires such expertise and has such extreme feasibility barriers that successfully building a functioning software-embodied optimization process tends to require such group efforts that someone thinks hard about what the goal system is.
I would note that “we are all in the process of dying horribly” is actually a pretty dramatic situation.
Given that “we are all in the process of dying” is true for all living beings for as long as living beings existed, I don’t see anything dramatic in here. As to “horribly”, what is special about today’s “horror” compared to, say, a hundred years ago?
I hadn’t meant today. I had meant in the case of a UFAI getting loose. That’s one of those rare situations where you should consider yourself assuredly dead already and start considering how you’re going to kill the damn UFAI, whatever that costs you.
Whereas in the present day, I would not employ “nuke it from orbit; only way to be sure” solutions to, well, anything.
Looks like you (emphasis mine):
You can be a contrarian with less drama perfectly well :-)
I would note that “we are all in the process of dying horribly” is actually a pretty dramatic situation. At the moment, actually, I’m not banking on ever seeing it: I think actual AI creation requires such expertise and has such extreme feasibility barriers that successfully building a functioning software-embodied optimization process tends to require such group efforts that someone thinks hard about what the goal system is.
Given that “we are all in the process of dying” is true for all living beings for as long as living beings existed, I don’t see anything dramatic in here. As to “horribly”, what is special about today’s “horror” compared to, say, a hundred years ago?
I hadn’t meant today. I had meant in the case of a UFAI getting loose. That’s one of those rare situations where you should consider yourself assuredly dead already and start considering how you’re going to kill the damn UFAI, whatever that costs you.
Whereas in the present day, I would not employ “nuke it from orbit; only way to be sure” solutions to, well, anything.