if you don’t believe this will happen not much matters in financial markets. i am unsure what your investment strategy should look like if you don’t believe this. or said another way, it’s a bit of a pascals investment. either you believe this and win or you don’t believe this and lose out regardless of positive or negative outcome.
Our situation is analogous to someone who has been diagnosed with cancer and told he has a low probability of survival, but in consolation, he has identified a nifty investment opportunity.
if you don’t believe this will happen not much matters in financial markets. i am unsure what your investment strategy should look like if you don’t believe this. or said another way, it’s a bit of a pascals investment. either you believe this and win or you don’t believe this and lose out regardless of positive or negative outcome.
Our situation is analogous to someone who has been diagnosed with cancer and told he has a low probability of survival, but in consolation, he has identified a nifty investment opportunity.
If you don’t believe this, the strategy could be to take on as much debt as possible, and spend the money right now.
(Obviously not a financial advice)