9 has 4 digits as “1001” in binary and 1 in decimal, so no function from integers to their size. There is no such thing as the size of a integer independent of any digit system used (well you could refer to some set constructions but then the size would be the integer itself).
As surreals we could have ω pieces of equal probability ɛ that sum to 1 exactly (althought ordinal numbers are only applicaple to orders which can be different than cardinal numbers. While for finites there is no big distinciton from ordinal and cardinal, “infinitely many discrete things” might refer to a cardinal concept. However for hypotheses that are listable (such as formed as arbitrary lenght strings of letters from a (finite) alphabeth) the ωth index should be well founded).
It is not about arbitrary complexity but probability over infinite options. We could for example order the hypotheses by the amounts of negation used first and the number of symbols used second. This would not be any less natural and would result in a different probability distribution. Or arguing that the complexity ordereing is the one that produces the “true” probailities is reframing of the question whether the simplicity formulation is truth-indicative.
If I use a complexity-ambivalent method I might need to do fewer eliminations before encountering a working one. There is no need to choose from accurate hypotheses if we know that any of them are true. If I encounter a working hypthesis there is no need to search for a more simpler form of it. Or if I encounter a theory of gravitation using ellipses should I countinue the search to find one that uses simpler concepts like circles only?
The approach of the final authors mentioned on the page seems especially interesting to me. I also am interested to note that their result agrees with Jaynes’. Universability seems to be important to all the most productive approaches there.
Or arguing that the complexity ordereing is the one that produces the “true” probailities is reframing of the question whether the simplicity formulation is truth-indicative.
If the approach that says simplicity is truth-indicative is self-consistent, that’s at least something. I’m reminded of the LW sequence that talks about toxic vs healthy epistemic loops.
If I encounter a working hypothesis there is no need to search for a more simpler form of it.
This seems likely to encourage overfitted hypotheses. I guess the alternative would be wasting effort on searching for simplicity that doesn’t exist, though. Now I am confused again, although in a healthier and more abstract way than originally. I’m looking for where the problem in anti-simplicity arguments lies rather than taking them seriously, which is easier to live with.
Honestly, I’m starting to feel as though perhaps the easiest approach to disproving the author’s argument would be to deny his assertion that processes in Nature which are simple are relatively uncommon. From off the top of my head, argument one is replicators, argument two is that simpler processes are smaller and thus more of them fit into the universe than complex ones would, argument three is the universe seems to run on math (might be begging the question a bit, although I don’t think so, since it’s kinda amazing that anything more meta than perfect atomist replication can lead to valid inference—again the connection to universalizability surfaces), argument four is an attempt to undeniably avoid begging the question inspired by Descartes: if nothing else we have access to at least one form of Nature unfiltered by our perceptions of simplicity : the perceptions themselves, which via anthropic type induction arguments we should assume-more-than-not to be of more or less average representativeness. (Current epistemic status: playing with ideas very nonrigorously, wild and free.)
The approach of the final authors mentioned on the page seems especially interesting to me. I also am interested to note that their result agrees with Jaynes’. Universability seems to be important to all the most productive approaches there.
If I encounter a working hypothesis there is no need to search for a more simpler form of it.
This seems likely to encourage overfitted hypotheses.
9 has 4 digits as “1001” in binary and 1 in decimal, so no function from integers to their size. There is no such thing as the size of a integer independent of any digit system used (well you could refer to some set constructions but then the size would be the integer itself).
As surreals we could have ω pieces of equal probability ɛ that sum to 1 exactly (althought ordinal numbers are only applicaple to orders which can be different than cardinal numbers. While for finites there is no big distinciton from ordinal and cardinal, “infinitely many discrete things” might refer to a cardinal concept. However for hypotheses that are listable (such as formed as arbitrary lenght strings of letters from a (finite) alphabeth) the ωth index should be well founded).
It is not about arbitrary complexity but probability over infinite options. We could for example order the hypotheses by the amounts of negation used first and the number of symbols used second. This would not be any less natural and would result in a different probability distribution. Or arguing that the complexity ordereing is the one that produces the “true” probailities is reframing of the question whether the simplicity formulation is truth-indicative.
If I use a complexity-ambivalent method I might need to do fewer eliminations before encountering a working one. There is no need to choose from accurate hypotheses if we know that any of them are true. If I encounter a working hypthesis there is no need to search for a more simpler form of it. Or if I encounter a theory of gravitation using ellipses should I countinue the search to find one that uses simpler concepts like circles only?
I think this is relevant: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bertrand_paradox_(probability)
The approach of the final authors mentioned on the page seems especially interesting to me. I also am interested to note that their result agrees with Jaynes’. Universability seems to be important to all the most productive approaches there.
If the approach that says simplicity is truth-indicative is self-consistent, that’s at least something. I’m reminded of the LW sequence that talks about toxic vs healthy epistemic loops.
This seems likely to encourage overfitted hypotheses. I guess the alternative would be wasting effort on searching for simplicity that doesn’t exist, though. Now I am confused again, although in a healthier and more abstract way than originally. I’m looking for where the problem in anti-simplicity arguments lies rather than taking them seriously, which is easier to live with.
Honestly, I’m starting to feel as though perhaps the easiest approach to disproving the author’s argument would be to deny his assertion that processes in Nature which are simple are relatively uncommon. From off the top of my head, argument one is replicators, argument two is that simpler processes are smaller and thus more of them fit into the universe than complex ones would, argument three is the universe seems to run on math (might be begging the question a bit, although I don’t think so, since it’s kinda amazing that anything more meta than perfect atomist replication can lead to valid inference—again the connection to universalizability surfaces), argument four is an attempt to undeniably avoid begging the question inspired by Descartes: if nothing else we have access to at least one form of Nature unfiltered by our perceptions of simplicity : the perceptions themselves, which via anthropic type induction arguments we should assume-more-than-not to be of more or less average representativeness. (Current epistemic status: playing with ideas very nonrigorously, wild and free.)
I think this is relevant: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bertrand_paradox_(probability)
The approach of the final authors mentioned on the page seems especially interesting to me. I also am interested to note that their result agrees with Jaynes’. Universability seems to be important to all the most productive approaches there.
This seems likely to encourage overfitted hypotheses.