Making your mind work better should not be a special action but a constant virtue. Categorising people into class A people that reach this high on sanity waterline and class B people that reach that high isn’t healthy. Being rational isn’t about being behind a particular answer to some central question. Being rational shouldn’t be about social moment and it’s inertia but about arguments and dissolving troubles.
The word choice itself is misleading as the word has very differnt meaning in mainstream use. It enforces and communicates an aura of superiority that hinders intercton with other same level disciplines. If being rational is about “prosperity by choice” or “prosperity by cognition” there exist other branches of “winning” that should not be positioned as enemies but rather accomplishes. There is atleast “prosperity by trust” and “prosperity by accumulation”.
Developing a rationalist identity is harmfull. Promoting a “-ism” or group affilication with the label “rational” is harmful.
Making your mind work better should not be a special action but a constant virtue. Categorising people into class A people that reach this high on sanity waterline and class B people that reach that high isn’t healthy. Being rational isn’t about being behind a particular answer to some central question. Being rational shouldn’t be about social moment and it’s inertia but about arguments and dissolving troubles.
The word choice itself is misleading as the word has very differnt meaning in mainstream use. It enforces and communicates an aura of superiority that hinders intercton with other same level disciplines. If being rational is about “prosperity by choice” or “prosperity by cognition” there exist other branches of “winning” that should not be positioned as enemies but rather accomplishes. There is atleast “prosperity by trust” and “prosperity by accumulation”.