Another difference is that climate scientists are deriving lots and lots of attention, funding, and prestige out of worldwide concern for global warming.
True—they seem ignorant of the “politics is the mind-killer” phenomenon. A boring research field may yield reliable science—but once huge sums of money start to depend on its findings, you have to spend proportionally more effort keeping out bias—such as by making your findings impossible to fake (i.e. no black-box methods for filtering the raw data).
Another difference is that climate scientists are deriving lots and lots of attention, funding, and prestige out of worldwide concern for global warming.
True—they seem ignorant of the “politics is the mind-killer” phenomenon. A boring research field may yield reliable science—but once huge sums of money start to depend on its findings, you have to spend proportionally more effort keeping out bias—such as by making your findings impossible to fake (i.e. no black-box methods for filtering the raw data).
Which climate researchers failed at tremendously.