Why do you think “harmful for the environment” means “leading to global warming”? Lots of things are harmful for the environment. Drying swamps to make railroads harm it. Holidaying leads to decreased “old habitat” biodiversity. Building power plants on small mountain rivers leads to decreased biodiversity, too. Yes, these things are good for us. It just has no bearing on whether they are good for nature.
Why do you think “harmful for the environment” means “leading to global warming”? Lots of things are harmful for the environment. Drying swamps to make railroads harm it. Holidaying leads to decreased “old habitat” biodiversity. Building power plants on small mountain rivers leads to decreased biodiversity, too. Yes, these things are good for us. It just has no bearing on whether they are good for nature.
My favorite one: burning wood for heat. Better than fossil fuels for the GW problem, but really bad for local air quality.
Of course, “leading to global warming” is a subset of “harmful for the environment”. Agreed on all counts.
Computing can’t harm the environment in any way—it’s within a totally artificial human space.
The others (“good”) can harm the environment in general, but are much better for AGW.