Do you mean that this forum has jumped the shark and there is no return to the “old” LW with EY, Yvain, Luke and others making insightful posts almost daily? That it has outlived its usefulness to CFAR and MIRI? Or something else?
An explanation that struck me recently is that “rationality” memes have infected a much broader audience such that now people don’t all have to come to the LW watering hole to get their fix of sanity. Tim Ferriss references Kahneman in his podcast. “Heuristics and biases” is no longer a fringe thing that nobody is interested in. It’s also somewhat less weird to be Singulatarian, now that you can point to IBM’s Watson and self-driving cars and Kurzweil working at Google, whereas five years ago you just sounded crazy.
So, it’s not necessarily that LW is getting worse in any absolute sense, it’s just that the world is catching up. LW is just less special.
By that standard, the solutions we’re discussing would be more like repairing the hole in the side of the Titanic and pumping out the water. Perhaps the particular solution given in the OP would be rearranging the deck chairs.
Interesting thought. Though I personally think it would be like rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic at this juncture.
Do you mean that this forum has jumped the shark and there is no return to the “old” LW with EY, Yvain, Luke and others making insightful posts almost daily? That it has outlived its usefulness to CFAR and MIRI? Or something else?
An explanation that struck me recently is that “rationality” memes have infected a much broader audience such that now people don’t all have to come to the LW watering hole to get their fix of sanity. Tim Ferriss references Kahneman in his podcast. “Heuristics and biases” is no longer a fringe thing that nobody is interested in. It’s also somewhat less weird to be Singulatarian, now that you can point to IBM’s Watson and self-driving cars and Kurzweil working at Google, whereas five years ago you just sounded crazy.
So, it’s not necessarily that LW is getting worse in any absolute sense, it’s just that the world is catching up. LW is just less special.
I think it is no longer a site with useful new content.
By that standard, the solutions we’re discussing would be more like repairing the hole in the side of the Titanic and pumping out the water. Perhaps the particular solution given in the OP would be rearranging the deck chairs.
I like the analogy :)
But not necessarily it means that LW is sinking, it might just be that all the low-hanging fruits have been picked.