Meetup : [Moscow] The Meet up

Discussion article for the meetup : [Moscow] The Meet up

WHEN: 21 July 2013 04:00:00PM (+0400)

WHERE: Russia, Moscow, ulitsa L’va Tolstogo 16

Please use the following guide to get to the meetup: link. You need the second revolving door with the sign “Yandex Money” in Russian. We will meet you at 16:00 with “LW” sign inside the hall. And we will also check the entrance at 16:10, so please do not be late.

Main topics:

  • Applied rationality exercises.

  • Prediction market.

  • Game session: the Liar’s dice or the Resistance.

If you are going for the first time, you can fill this one minute form (in Russian), to share your contact information. You can also use personal messages here, or drop a message at to contact me for any reason.

Reports from previous sessions can be found here, in Russian, now with more photos!

Discussion article for the meetup : [Moscow] The Meet up

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