This post kind of makes me sad. I’m not sure what the post’s purpose is, but it has certainly informed me that I am not likely to enjoy those great things, as I have no friends, and if I did, they wouldn’t even try to be rational.
Edit: It seems that responses to this message take the form of either, “Aw, how sad! This guy needs help,” or, “How pathetic! What a loser!” I would appreciate if these responses were annulled. This comment is only a statement of fact, not a statement of depression, not a cry for help, not even a complaint.
Hear, hear. Reading about Luke’s wonderful conversion from irrationality and what working with the SIAI is like has just made me realise how profoundly irrational the social interactions of us normal folk are. Knowing my acquaintances as well as I do, I’m unfortunately afraid of even pointing this out to them.
It seems likely to me that you can increase your likelihood of having peers who agree on norms with you, and who are able to come to agreement on statements based on data and mutual respect for one another’s ability to make true statements. It’ll never be a sure thing, certainly (and I doubt it’s a sure thing for Luke), but it seems likely that you can increase it from where it is today.
This post kind of makes me sad. I’m not sure what the post’s purpose is, but it has certainly informed me that I am not likely to enjoy those great things, as I have no friends, and if I did, they wouldn’t even try to be rational.
Edit: It seems that responses to this message take the form of either, “Aw, how sad! This guy needs help,” or, “How pathetic! What a loser!” I would appreciate if these responses were annulled. This comment is only a statement of fact, not a statement of depression, not a cry for help, not even a complaint.
Edit, March 2012: I regret making this comment.
Hear, hear. Reading about Luke’s wonderful conversion from irrationality and what working with the SIAI is like has just made me realise how profoundly irrational the social interactions of us normal folk are. Knowing my acquaintances as well as I do, I’m unfortunately afraid of even pointing this out to them.
It seems likely to me that you can increase your likelihood of having peers who agree on norms with you, and who are able to come to agreement on statements based on data and mutual respect for one another’s ability to make true statements. It’ll never be a sure thing, certainly (and I doubt it’s a sure thing for Luke), but it seems likely that you can increase it from where it is today.
Does that seem likely to you?
If so, does it seem worth doing?
You’re probably not rational enough, then; see point 3 of lukeprog’s post.