Peterdjones, in addition to doing all of that, said that trolling was “just teasing”. Can’t be bothered to look up the exact thread but it was when I announced that I was designating him a troll.
I didn’t delete the decision-theory solution comment, in fact I have no idea what it’s about. Presumably this was a user who deleted things themselves. I’ve asked if it’s possible to at least have mod deletions show the user who was deleted, and user deletions not show anything (thus making it possible to distinguish mod deletions from user deletions).
Aside from the one info hazard, it’s all crap.
We have no software ability to whole ban users but I do announce publicly at the point where I consider a user a troll.
Peterdjones, in addition to doing all of that, said that trolling was “just teasing”. Can’t be bothered to look up the exact thread but it was when I announced that I was designating him a troll.
I didn’t delete the decision-theory solution comment, in fact I have no idea what it’s about. Presumably this was a user who deleted things themselves. I’ve asked if it’s possible to at least have mod deletions show the user who was deleted, and user deletions not show anything (thus making it possible to distinguish mod deletions from user deletions).
Aside from the one info hazard, it’s all crap.
We have no software ability to whole ban users but I do announce publicly at the point where I consider a user a troll.