I’m not going to speculate about who ment what. But for me the new and interesing idea whas to pay people to do reserch in order to change their mind, as oposed to pay people to do reaserch in order to produce reserch.
As far as I know all the current hireing and paying independent reserchers is directed towards people who already do belive that AI Safety reserch is dificult and important. Paying people who are not yet convinced is a new move (as far as I know) even at small scale.
I guess that is is currently possible for an AI risk sceptics to get an AI Safety reserch grant. But none of the grant are designed for this purpouse, right? I think the format of a very high payed (more thatn they would earn otherwese) very short (not a major interuption to ongoing research) offer, with the possibility of a price at the end, is more optimised to get skeptics onboard.
In short, the design of a funding program will be very diffrent when you have a difrent goal in mind.
I’m not going to speculate about who ment what. But for me the new and interesing idea whas to pay people to do reserch in order to change their mind, as oposed to pay people to do reaserch in order to produce reserch.
As far as I know all the current hireing and paying independent reserchers is directed towards people who already do belive that AI Safety reserch is dificult and important. Paying people who are not yet convinced is a new move (as far as I know) even at small scale.
I guess that is is currently possible for an AI risk sceptics to get an AI Safety reserch grant. But none of the grant are designed for this purpouse, right? I think the format of a very high payed (more thatn they would earn otherwese) very short (not a major interuption to ongoing research) offer, with the possibility of a price at the end, is more optimised to get skeptics onboard.
In short, the design of a funding program will be very diffrent when you have a difrent goal in mind.