I’m not sure median researcher is particularly important here, relatively to, say, median lab leader.
Median voter theorem works explicitly because votes of everyone are equal, but if you have lab/research group leader who disincentivizes bad research practices, then you theoretically should get lab with good research practices.
In practice, lab leaders are often people who Goodhart incentives, which results in current situation.
LessWrong has chance to be better exactly because it is outside of current system of perverse incentives. Although, it has its own bad incentives.
I had the thought while reading the original post that I recall speaking to at least one researcher who, pre-replication crisis, was like “my work is built on a pretty shaky foundation as is most of the research in this field, but what can you do, this is the way the game is played”. So that suggested to me that plenty of median researchers might have recognized the issue but not been incentivized to change it.
Lab leaders aren’t necessarily in a much better position. If they feel responsibility toward their staff, they might feel even more pressured to keep gaming the metrics so that the lab can keep getting grants and its researchers good CVs.
I agree that lab leaders are not in much better position, I just think that lab leaders causally screen off influence of subordinates, while incentives in the system causally screens off lab leaders.
I’m not sure median researcher is particularly important here, relatively to, say, median lab leader.
Median voter theorem works explicitly because votes of everyone are equal, but if you have lab/research group leader who disincentivizes bad research practices, then you theoretically should get lab with good research practices.
In practice, lab leaders are often people who Goodhart incentives, which results in current situation.
LessWrong has chance to be better exactly because it is outside of current system of perverse incentives. Although, it has its own bad incentives.
I had the thought while reading the original post that I recall speaking to at least one researcher who, pre-replication crisis, was like “my work is built on a pretty shaky foundation as is most of the research in this field, but what can you do, this is the way the game is played”. So that suggested to me that plenty of median researchers might have recognized the issue but not been incentivized to change it.
Lab leaders aren’t necessarily in a much better position. If they feel responsibility toward their staff, they might feel even more pressured to keep gaming the metrics so that the lab can keep getting grants and its researchers good CVs.
I agree that lab leaders are not in much better position, I just think that lab leaders causally screen off influence of subordinates, while incentives in the system causally screens off lab leaders.