we lie with our clothes the same way we lie with our words. whether we’re trying to conceal wisdom, confidence, wealth, strength, compatibility, etc… there’s a distribution to the potential gain and chance of getting “called out”. That’s assuming we’re making a concious choice. A big portion of it is effective marketing making us insecure about all those things we try to conceal first, whether we are missing in any of those deparments or not. I think it’s much more subconsious that we’d like to admit, particulalry if we think we’re so rational.
we lie with our clothes the same way we lie with our words. whether we’re trying to conceal wisdom, confidence, wealth, strength, compatibility, etc… there’s a distribution to the potential gain and chance of getting “called out”. That’s assuming we’re making a concious choice. A big portion of it is effective marketing making us insecure about all those things we try to conceal first, whether we are missing in any of those deparments or not. I think it’s much more subconsious that we’d like to admit, particulalry if we think we’re so rational.