Fourth set of prizes (which is larger than previous sets to reflect the longer time period since the third set of prizes, apologies for the delay):
$200 to:
Steven Byrnes on Inner Alignment in Salt-Starved Rats
$100 each to:
Zack_M_Davis on The date of AI Takeover is not the day the AI takes over
johnswentworth on Why Neural Networks Generalise, and Why They Are (Kind of) Bayesian
AllAmericanBreakfast on Coordination as a Scarce Resource
Yoav Ravid on The Treacherous Path to Rationality
Vanessa Kosoy on An Orthodox Case Against Utility Functions
Vanessa Kosoy on The Solomonoff Prior is Malign
niplav on Anti-Aging: State of the Art
Zvi on Reality-Revealing and Reality-Masking Puzzles
johnswentworth on Subspace optima
Zvi on Seemingly Popular Covid-19 Model is Obvious Nonsense
MondSemmel on Covid 12/24: We’re F***ed, It’s Over
Honorable mention to Bucky on Nuclear war is unlikely to cause human extinction, which I liked but isn’t eligible as Bucky was separately hired to write reviews.
Current theme: default
Less Wrong (text)
Less Wrong (link)
Fourth set of prizes (which is larger than previous sets to reflect the longer time period since the third set of prizes, apologies for the delay):
$200 to:
Steven Byrnes on Inner Alignment in Salt-Starved Rats
$100 each to:
Zack_M_Davis on The date of AI Takeover is not the day the AI takes over
johnswentworth on Why Neural Networks Generalise, and Why They Are (Kind of) Bayesian
AllAmericanBreakfast on Coordination as a Scarce Resource
Yoav Ravid on The Treacherous Path to Rationality
Vanessa Kosoy on An Orthodox Case Against Utility Functions
Vanessa Kosoy on The Solomonoff Prior is Malign
niplav on Anti-Aging: State of the Art
Zvi on Reality-Revealing and Reality-Masking Puzzles
johnswentworth on Subspace optima
Zvi on Seemingly Popular Covid-19 Model is Obvious Nonsense
MondSemmel on Covid 12/24: We’re F***ed, It’s Over
Honorable mention to Bucky on Nuclear war is unlikely to cause human extinction, which I liked but isn’t eligible as Bucky was separately hired to write reviews.