I would recommend moving the “Less Wrong is a” text to the upper left corner, above the curve of the skull. When I view the page on my laptop, it appears below the fold, so phrases like “curated community blog” and “a community discussion board” appear without any context.
In addition to this, the article “a” should appear either in each brain region, or in the “LW is a...” bit. Currently it appears both in the intro bit and some of the brain regions, which confuses the both the grammar nazi and consistency police in me.
We’ll experiment with a smaller brian first, which may bring the intro text more into view and resolve this issue. If it doesn’t, we’ll revisit placement of the intro.
I would recommend moving the “Less Wrong is a” text to the upper left corner, above the curve of the skull. When I view the page on my laptop, it appears below the fold, so phrases like “curated community blog” and “a community discussion board” appear without any context.
In addition to this, the article “a” should appear either in each brain region, or in the “LW is a...” bit. Currently it appears both in the intro bit and some of the brain regions, which confuses the both the grammar nazi and consistency police in me.
We’ll experiment with a smaller brian first, which may bring the intro text more into view and resolve this issue. If it doesn’t, we’ll revisit placement of the intro.