I don’t think this is accurate, though. free will still exists in a fully deterministic universe, because we are part of the chaotic resolution process; to see how this could be, imagine a gpt instance with a fully deterministic cryptographic PRNG. fully deterministic doesn’t change the fact that the weights’ intense complexity has high integrated information into the decisions of what direction to move the chaos; it will still display sensitive dependence on initial conditions, and in my view, intelligent edge-of-chaos in a deterministic context is enough to get valuable complexity. true randomness isn’t necessary—we are our internal consensus process’s decisions.
I don’t think this is accurate, though. free will still exists in a fully deterministic universe, because we are part of the chaotic resolution process; to see how this could be, imagine a gpt instance with a fully deterministic cryptographic PRNG. fully deterministic doesn’t change the fact that the weights’ intense complexity has high integrated information into the decisions of what direction to move the chaos; it will still display sensitive dependence on initial conditions, and in my view, intelligent edge-of-chaos in a deterministic context is enough to get valuable complexity. true randomness isn’t necessary—we are our internal consensus process’s decisions.