Alas, I haven’t been super much on top of support lately, so sorry for not responding.
Sorry for this happening. I mistook you for Eugine_Nier, who was spamposting with a bunch of highly political stuff right at the minute you made your first few comments. It looks like you accidentally posted a comment twice, and the one that you posted twice was one that commented on the relationship between the MTG wheel and Nazism (actually making an OK point, but my pattern match system immediately matched it to Eugine’s other spam comments). That, together with the fact that your email address was a fake email led me to the false belief that you were one of Eugine’s sockpuppets.
I unbanned you, and will try to be more on top of support in the future.
Alas, I haven’t been super much on top of support lately, so sorry for not responding.
Sorry for this happening. I mistook you for Eugine_Nier, who was spamposting with a bunch of highly political stuff right at the minute you made your first few comments. It looks like you accidentally posted a comment twice, and the one that you posted twice was one that commented on the relationship between the MTG wheel and Nazism (actually making an OK point, but my pattern match system immediately matched it to Eugine’s other spam comments). That, together with the fact that your email address was a fake email led me to the false belief that you were one of Eugine’s sockpuppets.
I unbanned you, and will try to be more on top of support in the future.