Explanation for my strong downvote/​disagreement: Sure, in the ideal world, this post would have a much better scholarship.
In the actual world, there are tradeoffs between the number of posts and the quality of scholarship. The cost is both the time and the fact that doing literature review is a chore. If you demand good scholarship, people will write slower/​less. With some posts this is a good thing. With this post, I would rather have an attrocious scholarship and 1% higher chance of the sequence having one more post in it. (Hypothetical example. I expect the real tradeoffs are less favourable.)
Explanation for my strong downvote/​disagreement:
Sure, in the ideal world, this post would have a much better scholarship.
In the actual world, there are tradeoffs between the number of posts and the quality of scholarship. The cost is both the time and the fact that doing literature review is a chore. If you demand good scholarship, people will write slower/​less. With some posts this is a good thing. With this post, I would rather have an attrocious scholarship and 1% higher chance of the sequence having one more post in it. (Hypothetical example. I expect the real tradeoffs are less favourable.)