Defecation, or a drink of water when you’re very thirsty bring you relief, but not really satisfaction.
I feel that both of these can provide satisfaction as well, though I’m less sure about the water.
I can understand the desire to minimize or eliminate the need for functions that serve only to provide relief, but I think the “let’s subsist on Soylent” people are throwing the satisfaction baby out with the relief bathwater.
Or they just get more satisfaction from other things than eating.
I can enjoy drinking water. I’m not sure where this fits on the relief-satisfaction spectrum, but I seem to be optimally hydrated (in terms of mood) if I keep drinking until drinking is no longer a pleasure—it’s a good bit more water than just taking the edge off.
I’ve found that when I mention this to people, they’re apt to try to get a measurement out of something which is based on sensation.
I feel that both of these can provide satisfaction as well, though I’m less sure about the water.
Or they just get more satisfaction from other things than eating.
I can enjoy drinking water. I’m not sure where this fits on the relief-satisfaction spectrum, but I seem to be optimally hydrated (in terms of mood) if I keep drinking until drinking is no longer a pleasure—it’s a good bit more water than just taking the edge off.
I’ve found that when I mention this to people, they’re apt to try to get a measurement out of something which is based on sensation.