I started reading the Culture novels by Iain M. Banks and can’t get over the biggest plot hole: where’s the flood of people wanting to immigrate into the Culture, and what happens to them?
He touches on that in “Consider Phlebas”. Basically there were other technologically advanced civs with different values, not everyone wanted to join the Culture.
Another possible explanation is that the ship Minds controlled immigration in non-obvious ways (memetic weaponry).
Somewhere in the books, I think in Look to Windward, it’s pointed out that ambassadors to the Culture end up assimilated and serving unofficially as ambassadors for the Culture instead.
Also, the Culture appears to have trillions of citizens. You could have a large amount of immigration and still not see much of the impact.
I started reading the Culture novels by Iain M. Banks and can’t get over the biggest plot hole: where’s the flood of people wanting to immigrate into the Culture, and what happens to them?
He touches on that in “Consider Phlebas”. Basically there were other technologically advanced civs with different values, not everyone wanted to join the Culture.
Another possible explanation is that the ship Minds controlled immigration in non-obvious ways (memetic weaponry).
Somewhere in the books, I think in Look to Windward, it’s pointed out that ambassadors to the Culture end up assimilated and serving unofficially as ambassadors for the Culture instead.
Also, the Culture appears to have trillions of citizens. You could have a large amount of immigration and still not see much of the impact.
I think the Culture accepts immigrants. Why wouldn’t it?